Monday, February 28, 2011

Le Papillon

  So my High school every Monday night has had a "Foriegn Film Night." I asked my dad if he wanted to go to this last one and use it as our movie for this Monday. So we both took a walk down the street to the high school auditorium and sat down eating Eiffel Bon-Bons. Which my dad thought were awful. So I got to eat his!!! SCORE! I didn't think the film was going to be any good when we first got there. I was wrong/ IT was a fantastic movie with a good story line. I found my self laughing at the jokes, riddles and sarcasm throughout this French movie.  But I also felt myself a little saddened by the little girl when her mother didn't really care about her, but I was also sad because of the old man just keeping a promise he made in the past. I really fell in love with this movie. I could feel the love between this little girl an this older man that she ran away with. I really don't have anything bad to say about this movie, heck there wasn't even a lot of subtitles that you had to read!!! BONUS!
  This film was about a little girl, and she doesn't really have a loving family, he mom doesn't care or worry about her at all. when this little girl moves to this new apartment building she starts to hang out with her neighbor. Who goes on an adventure to look for an Isabella butterfly. This little girl happens to sneak into his car with him. So they start to venture out in the mountains together, they learn about who they are, and they become a little family.
  Because this movie was refreshing and made me smile and laugh but made me feel sad. Also because of its good story. I give it 8.5 Moths out of 10!

1 comment:

  1. Courtney, I think We have to rent this one so mom can see... : )
