Wednesday, February 2, 2011


  Today I have watched the movie Secretariat. I must say it was a fantastic movie. While the horse was racing I could feel myself wanting to jump off of the couch, and I could feel my heart rate increasing at an intense rate. I also don't feel that you need to be a horse lover or follower to understand this movie.
    This movie to me was showing determination and will power. Which I think Diane Lane's character had a lot of. I did like Diane Lane's character, but a comedic actor would take the focus off of her. Yes I am talking about John Malkovich. He made me giggle many times in the movie, but just the right amount.
     If you want to take the time to see a movie that will make you feel good, this is the movie for you. I give it 4 horseshoes out of 5!

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