Monday, February 21, 2011

Raging Bull

  I know that I still have to make up my Friday movie, but today, I watched Raging Bull. A film by Martin Scorsese. I liked this movie because it wasn't a movie that was made to be all sweet and nice, kind of like old Disney movies. It told the viewers, "Hey this is how it is, deal with it." Which is one of the main reasons I liked this film so much. The other reason is because I liked the story line of a man losing everything because he doesn't stop and take a gander at his life. I'm aways looking for a movie that has a good story line, that will make me stop and think for a while to find myself saying " That was a great movie." I have seen many of those, but when I get my hopes up for movies that I think will be amazing, then I become let down, that's never good. But this movie, it didn't disappoint.
   This film is about a man named Jake LaMotta, who's occupation is a boxer. He falls in love, his brother is his best friend, his life seems great, but when jealous and anger enter the ring with him it's not very good, and his anger from the ring comes home... even worse.
   This movie can be found on DVD, Raging Bull stars Robert DeNiro, and  Joe Pesci. which is a great team! Because I enjoyed this film, but didn't think is was the best because there are a lot of films out there like this one, I give it 7 bloody punches to the face out of 10.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Courtney, Better boxing movies out there. Like the Cinderalla Man and Rocky...
