Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Green Mile AND Unstoppable

  I apologize for not writing my bog yesterday, I was playing on my Pod with my father. My father and I yesterday watched the Green Mile, which in my opinion was a fantastic movie. I found my self crying at the end of the film and looking back and thinking wow I haven't seen an original story like that in a long time. I wish there were movies like this now. My father had been pushing me to watch this movie but I just kept saying, "Oh, I'll watch it later." Which I never did, but I do regret the fact that I didn't.
  This film is about a man that is sentenced to death for committing murder. When he is moved form the court to the jail sell for "Dead Men" he makes friends and you learn what truly happened along the way.
  This movie was fantastic compared to the movies that I have seen in a while. For that I give this movie 8 trained mice out of 10.

  The movie that I watched today was called Unstoppable, which is a great suspense flick. Which I had to keep telling myself that is was a true story. I could feel my legs waiting to hop right off of the seat that I was sitting on, or maybe it was my mom just hitting me because she was freaking out about the movie the whole time! (That's for you Mom) Yes I know that this movie was based on true events, but either was it wasn't an original story for a movie.
  This movie is about 2 train drivers and operators, that find themselves facing life and death when a 70 m/hr train is headed there exact direction.
   For the movie being good but not very original I give it 6 air brakes out of 10

1 comment:

  1. My sweet daughter, sorry for hurting you!! Love your review... Thanks for including me in you and your fathers adventure!!
