Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Movies Have Started

  My father and I have started a New Year's resoulution. We are going to watch a new film that he or I haven't seen before (wheather they're old or new).  So far we have seen 28 movies. I thought that my father was going to give up, but he's still watching films with me.
  Every weekday I will be blogging about the movie that I have seen and what my opinion of it is. So I will start out with the movie that I watched today, RED.

  I did enjoy the movie, but I think I had gotten my expectations up way to high for what it really was. I though that there would be more witty comments and silly remarks, but I think there was enough. I also wanted to comment about the "love" story between Bruce Willis and Mary-Louise Parker. I think it was cute, but not really necessary. I think before you buy it out of impulse, rent it first. I give it 2.5 bullet holes out of 5.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney - I LOVE that you and your dad are doing this -- coolest idea ever! I am excited to follow your blogs -- thanks for doing this! I'm sure It will bring some good new movies my way!
    Sharon (your old neighbor!)
