Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome to the Riley's AND Misery

  On Tuesday it seems as though my Dad has a routine, to stop at the video store for new releases, but he picked up a few movies new and older. One of the newer ones was Welcome to the Riley's. As usual my Father makes me choose the film that we watch that night. So i never know what he wants or even what some of the movies are about. So I chose a different movie, but then I remembered " I saw a preview for this movie." So I quickly changed my mind and I wasn't disappointed by the change. This movie made me sad because of the emotions of the actor. (Not so much Kristen Stewart.) But the other two I could see and feel the pain they had towards each other, and for the world around them as well. I could also see the love they had for one another, just by the way that they smiled at each other when their eyes met even for a short amount of time! I wasn't disappointed and I do recommend this movie if you like stories like this one. But now you're probably thinking, "Well I don't even know what the movie's about."
  This movie is about 2 adults that lost their daughter, which has effected them in their own ways, one doesn't leave the house, and one is full of regret. So when this main man leaves for New Orleans for a buisness convention, he runs into a runaway child there. Who he starts to take care of as if it were his daughter. But to surprise him, his wife decides to finally leave the house and go see him while he's there. When she gets there the teen starts to bring the two back together, by the two trying to help raise her.
 Because this movie made me smile but kept me sad, and the emotions were high in this film. I give it 7.5 UTI tests out of 10.

  Today I watched the movie Misery, and can I say Kathy Bates plays a GREAT psychotic person. This movie kept me on my toes, and I kept asking my dad questions because I wanted to know what was going to happen next in the story line. This movie is a thriller. In some of the scenes I just had to cringe my teeth. There's nothing more to say I'm speechless. But I can say I loved it, you gotta love Stephen King!!
  This movie is about a writer that just ended a long series of book, and on his way to publish his Manuscript, he got into a car crash, so a woman "found" him and is is number 1 fan. It turns out though that she's a little crazy, and wont let him go unless he writes a different book, because she's in love with him.
 Because this movie was so crazy and thrilling, I give it 7 Hobbles out of 10.

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