Monday, February 28, 2011

Le Papillon

  So my High school every Monday night has had a "Foriegn Film Night." I asked my dad if he wanted to go to this last one and use it as our movie for this Monday. So we both took a walk down the street to the high school auditorium and sat down eating Eiffel Bon-Bons. Which my dad thought were awful. So I got to eat his!!! SCORE! I didn't think the film was going to be any good when we first got there. I was wrong/ IT was a fantastic movie with a good story line. I found my self laughing at the jokes, riddles and sarcasm throughout this French movie.  But I also felt myself a little saddened by the little girl when her mother didn't really care about her, but I was also sad because of the old man just keeping a promise he made in the past. I really fell in love with this movie. I could feel the love between this little girl an this older man that she ran away with. I really don't have anything bad to say about this movie, heck there wasn't even a lot of subtitles that you had to read!!! BONUS!
  This film was about a little girl, and she doesn't really have a loving family, he mom doesn't care or worry about her at all. when this little girl moves to this new apartment building she starts to hang out with her neighbor. Who goes on an adventure to look for an Isabella butterfly. This little girl happens to sneak into his car with him. So they start to venture out in the mountains together, they learn about who they are, and they become a little family.
  Because this movie was refreshing and made me smile and laugh but made me feel sad. Also because of its good story. I give it 8.5 Moths out of 10!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Town and You Again

  On Thursday last week, my father came home with the movie The Town. I had heard many reviews that made me want to watch this movie, but I never had access to the movie, so once my mom hit the play button, we both stopped talking and right away were glaring at the television with our mouths hanging open. I liked this movie because it had a little bit of everything love, action, and well just a DARN good story line. Lately I have seen another movie directed by Ben Afflack call, "Gone Baby Gone" which this is now the second great film which was done my B. Afflack. Which makes me excited to see more of his films. But anyways back to how the movie had everything, I was falling in love with the characters, wanted revenge, and was leaning off of my chair to find out what was going to happen next! It was refreshing story line.
  This movie was about the town of Charleston which is the U.S.'s #1 city of robbery, and a man commits a robbery with some friends and they take a girl hostage. The man has to keep an eye on this girl to make sure she doesn't tell anyone anything, who he ends up falling in love with... OPPS!
  Because I liked this movie so much, and haven't seen a lot of films like this I give it 9 sunny days out of 10.

  The movie that my father and I watched on Friday was the movie, You Again, which is obviously a chick flick. I kept telling my dad, " I don't want to make you watch this, we can watch a different movies." But no his stubborn self said, "I'm pushing through don't worry." So this is what we watched, personally I didn't think it was that bad, but i could feel my dad's eyes rolling behind me. So I don't think he enjoyed it that much. I didn't think that it was original I have seen a lot of movies like this one, I felt indifferent after watching it. I don't have a lot to sat about this movie.
  This movie was about high school rivals, the dorky Kristen Bell was bullied my Odette Yustman through high school. Who is now marrying Bell's brother. Who's parents are also rivals.
 Because this movie was mediocre and not very new. I give it 6 MOO necklaces out of 10.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where the Red Fern Grows AND Due Date

  So on Tuesday I watched the 1974 version of Where the Red Fern Grows. I personally really enjoyed this movie, and that's because I'm an animal lover and I liked that it was original. Because I liked the movie in the way that I did I think that I will pick up that book and read it, well maybe because I'm not a big reader. I never even had any intention to watch this movie or read the book EVER, but then on Tuesday after school, my mom was waiting for me in the dining room and said, " I got this because I know you like dogs, and I think that you'll LOVE it!!!" Well I can't say no to that.... can you? I didn't think so.  So after she put the movie in and hit that play button, I was just thinking to myself, "Well It's not going to hurt to watch it, even though i really don't want to." I was wrong, I loved it. The ending made me cry because as the boy fell in love with Dan and Ann, I felt like I was falling in love with them to, so the ending was a little hard for me to bear, I still liked it.
  This movie is about a young boy that just wants a "Coon Hound" and has wanted one for a long long time, yet his family can't afford to get him any dogs. So over time he works hard everyday, saves every penny, just to get 2 (two) hound dogs.
  Because like I said I'm a dog person, and liked it so much, I give it 7.5 raccoon skins out of 10.

  Today I watched the movie Due Date, I was highly disappointed. This is because it wasn't as funny as it seemed to be in the movie trailers. In the trailer for this film it's kind of like a newer scary movie, how they put all of the scary parts into the trailer, that the saw this film. I was excited to sit on the couch and laugh and laugh all night about this movie. But that just didn't happen to me today.  But I only found myself laugh once throughout the entire movie, the other times I was cringing my teeth and frustrated and Zach Galifianakis' character, making all of those mistakes and just bothering the heck outta' me! I think that if you want to watch is just watch the John Hughes film Planes, Trains and Automobiles. It's a lot better that Due Date.
  This film is about a man (R.D. Jr) and meets another guy (Z.G.) at the airport, and from then on, "Z.G" just ruins the whole trip with Robert Downy Jr. is trying to get home to his pregnant wife.
  Because this film didn't really make me laugh like a wanted and have already read and seen stories like this one I give is 2.5 rubber bullets out of 10.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Raging Bull

  I know that I still have to make up my Friday movie, but today, I watched Raging Bull. A film by Martin Scorsese. I liked this movie because it wasn't a movie that was made to be all sweet and nice, kind of like old Disney movies. It told the viewers, "Hey this is how it is, deal with it." Which is one of the main reasons I liked this film so much. The other reason is because I liked the story line of a man losing everything because he doesn't stop and take a gander at his life. I'm aways looking for a movie that has a good story line, that will make me stop and think for a while to find myself saying " That was a great movie." I have seen many of those, but when I get my hopes up for movies that I think will be amazing, then I become let down, that's never good. But this movie, it didn't disappoint.
   This film is about a man named Jake LaMotta, who's occupation is a boxer. He falls in love, his brother is his best friend, his life seems great, but when jealous and anger enter the ring with him it's not very good, and his anger from the ring comes home... even worse.
   This movie can be found on DVD, Raging Bull stars Robert DeNiro, and  Joe Pesci. which is a great team! Because I enjoyed this film, but didn't think is was the best because there are a lot of films out there like this one, I give it 7 bloody punches to the face out of 10.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Sorry for this VERY Long delay for my Thursday movie, I've just been busy and haven't had time to write this blog. On Thursday I watched the movie Platoon, the cast is great and the story is fantastic. It did take me a little while to get into the swing of the film, but I eventually did! It was amazingly well done.
  This movie was during the Vietnam war, and about a man (Charlie Sheen) that just volunteered for the war, not knowing what he wanted in life or what to do with it. You can find this film on DVD. I do recommend it to people that enjoy war films or just a good story line.
  This film I rate 7.5 fire ants out of 10!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nowhere Boy

  The movie I watched today is called Nowhere Boy. It was a great movie, well directed and acted Aaron Johnson and Kristin Scott Thomas make a great duo together in this film. This movie made me feel a lot of emotions, like anger, regret, and sorrow.
  This movie was about the teen life of John Lennon, and his struggles with family and his music. Before I saw this movie I didn't know how hard of a life John Lennon had, but as they say the best artists have the hardest lives.
  Because this movie was so good and heart warming I give it 9.5 records out of 10.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Green Mile AND Unstoppable

  I apologize for not writing my bog yesterday, I was playing on my Pod with my father. My father and I yesterday watched the Green Mile, which in my opinion was a fantastic movie. I found my self crying at the end of the film and looking back and thinking wow I haven't seen an original story like that in a long time. I wish there were movies like this now. My father had been pushing me to watch this movie but I just kept saying, "Oh, I'll watch it later." Which I never did, but I do regret the fact that I didn't.
  This film is about a man that is sentenced to death for committing murder. When he is moved form the court to the jail sell for "Dead Men" he makes friends and you learn what truly happened along the way.
  This movie was fantastic compared to the movies that I have seen in a while. For that I give this movie 8 trained mice out of 10.

  The movie that I watched today was called Unstoppable, which is a great suspense flick. Which I had to keep telling myself that is was a true story. I could feel my legs waiting to hop right off of the seat that I was sitting on, or maybe it was my mom just hitting me because she was freaking out about the movie the whole time! (That's for you Mom) Yes I know that this movie was based on true events, but either was it wasn't an original story for a movie.
  This movie is about 2 train drivers and operators, that find themselves facing life and death when a 70 m/hr train is headed there exact direction.
   For the movie being good but not very original I give it 6 air brakes out of 10

Sunday, February 13, 2011

  Today,(to make up for Friday) I watched the short film called the Cycle. The Cycle was about a little girl that gets her bike stolen by some neighborhood hoodlums, and the neighborhood despite their differences come together to help this little girl. It was a good inspirational story about people working together and finding something in common.
  Because it was a short story I don't have very much to say bout this one other than it was well written and got the point across. So I give this movie 3 break lines out of 5.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jack Goes Boating

   Today I watched Jack Goes Boating, which my Father and I came across while watching the movie trailers of a different movie. As appealing as the advertisement was so is the movie. It was smartly written with witty comments. Directed by Phillip Seymour Hoffman, he captures the life of Jack and his friends. through out the film I started to realize that the movie was talking about when you see someone there not what they may look like. There's always something that you don't know. This movie IS an indie film, but I like those kinds of movies because its more focused on a good story rather than amazing special effects and an unoriginal story line.
   So if you're in the mood to cuddle up on the couch with a bowl of pop corn, this is the movie to watch. You can find it at any store or rental shop. I give this movie 4.5 canole's out of 5

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life As We Know It

  Today when I was home from school from being sick I watched the movie Life As We Know it. I didn't think the movie wasn't going to be as good as it was. I could tell the movie was a story about moving on from the past and hard times and to look towards the future. Which came to me about half way through this movie. There are scenes that made me laugh and made me cry. ( Maybe because I'm a girl.)
  This film is also a cute story between Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel which the two (2) characters who are completely opposite. Which is where the giggling comes to, but the crying is because both of there dearest and closest friends die, leaving their daughter in the hands of Heigl and Duhamel.
   I give this film 3.5 Gerber baby food jars out of 5!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Cooler

     Today I watched the movie The Cooler. The movie has a love story in it that just made me say "AWW" which is always nice, and about a man thats has such bad luck that he works in a casino to give other people bad luck. William H. Macy did a fantastic job in this movie, because he's so beliveable the sadness and happiness just reeks off of it face.
     Even though this movie itsn't "new" it's still a fresh story that kept me interested which I think it will for a lot of people. I give this movie 4 casino chips out of 5.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Twilight Zone

  Today I watched the Twilight Zone. It was four episodes from the T.V. series, and I must say the stories in the film were exactly like the ones on the television. The movie was good by taking some of the most popular episodes such as Nightmare at 20,000 feet, and Kick The Can. The movie did not disappoint.
  Each sotry was 30 minutes long just like the T.V. show. I think that people of all ages would like it because each story has its own original moral. The stories still kept me on the edge of my seat, and for that I give this movie 4 psychology sessions out of 5.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let Me In

    Yesterday I saw the movie Let Me In, which was a remake of the Foreign film Let the Right One In. There were advantages to watching both of the movies because both of them give a little more information. In my opinion though I liked the American version of the film. It was changed a little but had a lot of the same things as the first one, but had more detail to it making it easier to follow.
  This movie was a cute love story, and was very well captured by the director. I do recommend seeing both of the films to compare and to get a little more understanding of the story line. I give this film 3.5 Now and Laters out of 5.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

127 Hours

  So my father and I saw the movie 127 Hours by Danny Boyle. It was a fantastic movie, the camera angles, the music, being medically accurate, and the fact that it was a true story just makes me want to cringe my teeth. 
  What I took from the movie was to always have hope and living your life to the fullest. If you like Danny Boyle then you will love this film, (Boyle never seems to disappoint). But some of the scenes I needed to close my eyes, and if you see it you probably will too. I don't really have any negative comments about this movie. I give it 4.5 pebbles out of 5.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


  Today I have watched the movie Secretariat. I must say it was a fantastic movie. While the horse was racing I could feel myself wanting to jump off of the couch, and I could feel my heart rate increasing at an intense rate. I also don't feel that you need to be a horse lover or follower to understand this movie.
    This movie to me was showing determination and will power. Which I think Diane Lane's character had a lot of. I did like Diane Lane's character, but a comedic actor would take the focus off of her. Yes I am talking about John Malkovich. He made me giggle many times in the movie, but just the right amount.
     If you want to take the time to see a movie that will make you feel good, this is the movie for you. I give it 4 horseshoes out of 5!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Movies Have Started

  My father and I have started a New Year's resoulution. We are going to watch a new film that he or I haven't seen before (wheather they're old or new).  So far we have seen 28 movies. I thought that my father was going to give up, but he's still watching films with me.
  Every weekday I will be blogging about the movie that I have seen and what my opinion of it is. So I will start out with the movie that I watched today, RED.

  I did enjoy the movie, but I think I had gotten my expectations up way to high for what it really was. I though that there would be more witty comments and silly remarks, but I think there was enough. I also wanted to comment about the "love" story between Bruce Willis and Mary-Louise Parker. I think it was cute, but not really necessary. I think before you buy it out of impulse, rent it first. I give it 2.5 bullet holes out of 5.