Monday, March 14, 2011

How to Train Your Dragon and Pulp Fiction

 I just wanted to say sorry for not keeping this updated but lately I haven't had time, and today I'm going to make it short because I'm up to my neck in homework. But Last Wednesday I saw the movie How to train your Dragon. I thought this was going to be terrible, but my brother and I were watching the Oscars and saw that this film had a few nominations, so I thought," Maybe I should give this movie a try." SO my dad rented it the next day. Wow, I was shocked at the story, and how good this movie was. It is kid friendly and also adult friendly, (which is always nice.)
  This movie is about a boy that is growing up with Vikings and his father is the leading viking for killing Dragons. The young boy just wants to prove himself by catching the hardest dragon there is. So once he does he feels as though he can't kill it and he helps it while gaining knowledge and the strength to be a true Viking.
  Because of my shock of the movie and the story wasn't bad and I have to say they animation was good I give it 8 Eels out or 10.

Well I have seen Pulp fiction before, but on Sunday (to make up a day.) We started to watch it, at the moment I realized I hadn't seen the whole movie I kept stopping the movie around 1/2 way through the flick. So my father and I counted this for our Friday Movie. The ending that I saw was amazingly funny, but when has Quentin Tarantino even disappointed? NEVER! I liked the action and might I add Samuel L. Jackson CRACKED ME UP in the ending Diner Scene in his "transitional state."
 This movie is a whole bunch of stories that are mixed altogether out of order and at the end they all come together, filled with action, love,and comedy. Which is always a good mix!
  Because of all of the laughter I shared, suspense and confusion at times, I give it 9 "Gimps" out of 10.

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