Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Morning Glory and Edges of the Lord

     Yesterday I watched the movie Morning Glory, which was rented (of course) by my dad last week, and I figured that we should watch it so we can stop adding to our late fee. I think it was an inspirational movie, with a few laughs and giggles on the way. As you can tell by the recent movies that I've been watching they're a little more girly, I just think my dad is trying a little harder to get movies that I'm interested in! (How sweet!) So this was thrown in the pile. I wasn't disappointed, but it's a lot like the Devil Wears Prada. So if you like that movie than this one is for you. I think the funniest person was Harrison Ford, his monotone character made me laugh along with his attitude, which is always nice.... am I right???
   This movie is about a young Executive Producer, that had recently been fired due to lack of money in the company. So she takes the first job offered to her, which is run down morning news place called "Daybreak" and she was hired to raise the ratings of the show. With a terrible crew working behind her.
    Because this movie isn't particularly original, but has a good story line to it, I give it 4 bottles of Brandy out of 10.

   The flick that i watched today on this fine Tuesday, was Edges of the Lord another movie in the "rented" pile. I didn't even know that we had it until last night when my father had an early viewing of it. when he told me it's a movie during the Holocaust, I wanted to watch it. All that I can say about this movie is that the child actors were amazing, even better than some adult actors that I know of. The movie had a lot of emotions sadness, triumph and revenge (which is always looked forward too!)
  This movie is about a little Jewish boy that has to leave his mother and father to live with a Catholic family, so no one will know who he really is. As he's there he finds himself, and finds that life isn't always a fair place.
   Because of everything that I have explained above I give this film 7 stones out of 10.

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