Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Secondhand Lions and Jackass

  The other day, I needed some goggles, because in P.E. we started our swimming unit. So my dad and I ran to our local Walmart to pick up a pair, and I was just wondering do you ever go shopping but end up getting more than you wanted? Well that's what happened to us when we marched past the $5 movie pile, so we started digging! The Secondhand Lions is one of the films that we picked up along with Weird Science. When I started to watch this motion picture, I thought it was going to be about a little bay raising a lion.... I was wrong! This movie had a lot of emotions put into such a short period of time, I laughed, cried, teared. felt my heart speed up, and wanted to jump off of my chair in excitement. SO when I found out that this movie wasn't really about a lion, and was really about a young boy with a hard life and his uncles, I started to get very intrigued in it very fast, and halted my voice. I fell in love with the characters, especially the two uncles, man were they a hoot!
  This film was about a young boy, that's mom doesn't really care about him. So she drops him off and his rich uncles house, and he's supposed to be looking for their "millions" of dollars while his mom goes back to school so they can have a better life. But once he realizes the love he has for the two and the love the two have for him, they become a great but unexpected family.
  Even though I have seen movies like this one, I still liked watching it, and was very pleased with the ending. And because of that I give this movie 7 nose cracks out of 10.

   For today my old man decided to run to the video store while I was at my Key Club meeting. When I got home I noticed them sitting on the couch right away and shouted, "Hey dad what are we going to watch today?" His response was, " Whatever you want." like usual. So I at that moment said, "JACKASS!" because I am a big Jackass fan... If I do say so myself. But when I was watching this movie, I laughed at the pain that these guys were going through and I also remember thinking to myself, " I like the first movie better, but this ones fine."  Although I did see myself laughing on a few of the same things, like when Bam was punching people with water and a poxing glove, (that made me chuckle.) But I didn't find myself laughing as much and as hard as I wanted to, yet it didn't disappoint me.
   I don't really think I need to explain this movie, guys playing pranks.... The End.
  Because this movie made me laugh but not as much as the first one that I first saw at my Aunt PaKou's house. I give it 5.5 Sweat Cocktails out of 10.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you still do this with your dad. This is great time together. I did notice you both have the same taste in movies.. XD
