Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where the Red Fern Grows AND Due Date

  So on Tuesday I watched the 1974 version of Where the Red Fern Grows. I personally really enjoyed this movie, and that's because I'm an animal lover and I liked that it was original. Because I liked the movie in the way that I did I think that I will pick up that book and read it, well maybe because I'm not a big reader. I never even had any intention to watch this movie or read the book EVER, but then on Tuesday after school, my mom was waiting for me in the dining room and said, " I got this because I know you like dogs, and I think that you'll LOVE it!!!" Well I can't say no to that.... can you? I didn't think so.  So after she put the movie in and hit that play button, I was just thinking to myself, "Well It's not going to hurt to watch it, even though i really don't want to." I was wrong, I loved it. The ending made me cry because as the boy fell in love with Dan and Ann, I felt like I was falling in love with them to, so the ending was a little hard for me to bear, I still liked it.
  This movie is about a young boy that just wants a "Coon Hound" and has wanted one for a long long time, yet his family can't afford to get him any dogs. So over time he works hard everyday, saves every penny, just to get 2 (two) hound dogs.
  Because like I said I'm a dog person, and liked it so much, I give it 7.5 raccoon skins out of 10.

  Today I watched the movie Due Date, I was highly disappointed. This is because it wasn't as funny as it seemed to be in the movie trailers. In the trailer for this film it's kind of like a newer scary movie, how they put all of the scary parts into the trailer, that the saw this film. I was excited to sit on the couch and laugh and laugh all night about this movie. But that just didn't happen to me today.  But I only found myself laugh once throughout the entire movie, the other times I was cringing my teeth and frustrated and Zach Galifianakis' character, making all of those mistakes and just bothering the heck outta' me! I think that if you want to watch is just watch the John Hughes film Planes, Trains and Automobiles. It's a lot better that Due Date.
  This film is about a man (R.D. Jr) and meets another guy (Z.G.) at the airport, and from then on, "Z.G" just ruins the whole trip with Robert Downy Jr. is trying to get home to his pregnant wife.
  Because this film didn't really make me laugh like a wanted and have already read and seen stories like this one I give is 2.5 rubber bullets out of 10.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad I didn't watch Due Date. Both you and your dad said you were disappointed. But I am glad you loved the movie Where The Red Fern Grows. Its a classic tale. LOVE IT, but love spending time with you more...
