Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life As We Know It

  Today when I was home from school from being sick I watched the movie Life As We Know it. I didn't think the movie wasn't going to be as good as it was. I could tell the movie was a story about moving on from the past and hard times and to look towards the future. Which came to me about half way through this movie. There are scenes that made me laugh and made me cry. ( Maybe because I'm a girl.)
  This film is also a cute story between Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel which the two (2) characters who are completely opposite. Which is where the giggling comes to, but the crying is because both of there dearest and closest friends die, leaving their daughter in the hands of Heigl and Duhamel.
   I give this film 3.5 Gerber baby food jars out of 5!

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