Sunday, April 17, 2011

Paper Man and Your Highness

Well, first off I know I haven't been keeping up with my blogs, but I will try to make that change as much as I can, today (Sunday April 17th) is one of the first days that I have been able to have to myself, and I figured is a good time to write my blogs! Well the film that I watched two week ago was Paper Man

  This was a movie that isn't what you'd think it'd be. When you see the original cover you see Ryan Reynolds in a Super Hero Costume fooling you to make you think that it's a movie to make you laugh, which this does, but in a serious matter. This movie had my emotions running wild, I cried, I laughed, I was rooting for the main characters. Yes it may seem that I say that about all of the movies that I watch, but this is 150% true! It is truly an original movie, which sadly isn't seen very much anymore. I honestly enjoyed watching it.
  This flick was about an older married couple that is starting to fall apart. This mans wife and himself move out the a country like area, yet his wife still works in the city to she leaves and is usually not even near the new house. So as this man becomes lonely, he meets this young girl, that shows him how to live and become a better person and move on with life.
  I really enjoyed this movie and I think that a lot of people would if maybe the word go out a little more about it. So If you see it I think you'll like it a lot. But yes there is more to the story than I have written above, but I don't want to give anything away! I give this movie 9 Paper Cranes out of 10.

The movie I saw this past week is the comedy Your Highness.

  I wasn't very impressed with this movie. I expected to fall of my theater chair laughing when my mom had picked it on Fandango  but I didn't get anything close to that. I think every one in my house wanted it to be hilarious, but is manly a movie that was so shocking that you giggled, but I felt left out because my neighbor in the theater was laughing her head off, she even started to cry, and as I looked over at my mom and brother they gigged, then just over my mom my father sat there looking at the screen waiting for something that would make him laugh a little bit but there was nothing. I think if you enjoy movies that are cheesy and have the shocking sexual remarks then this is for you. But just remember I'm always cracking sexual jokes, and I didn't even find it that funny.
  This movie is about Danny McBride and his character is a self centered attention wanting price, yet his brother (Franco) is a dragon slaying, quest conquering price. So when they must both go on a quest to save Franco's bride. They run into odd obstacles and weird people.
  I wasn't very impressed with this film so I give it 2 minitore "things" out 10.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

One movie a week

I just want to say I know I have neglected to write my blogs recently, this has been happening because my schedule between soccer, clubs, and homework have been devouring my time. So my father came up with a solution, one film a week, this way there's more time for other things and more varieties of movies, but just because we are making a change doesn't mean we have stopped watching movies, we have watched many this week, but i will only we writing about two movie right now, one fore each week that I've missed. (P.S. I still will write about extra movies that I have seen.)

 OK so lets get this party started, one of the many movie that I watched last week is Never Let Me Go.

my father and I had seen a commercial for this indie film in a different movie, and once I spotted it on the shelf at family video I clenched the case a showed it to my dad and her stacked it onto our pile of movies. When we watched it, we weren't disappointed. There is love, sadness, revenge, hate, and well even more emotions then that. I even remember at one point my mom asked, "Is this a true story." but it's not. Sorry Mom. but I guess all of the emotion and realism of the movie made her think, maybe this could be happening.
 This movie is about children that grow up thinking they will have a life, but they quickly find out, there not even real people, they were made so that their "originals" would be able to donate their organs, so they would never be able to live a full life.
  I think that this movie made me so sad is because the originals I guess have no idea that these copies of them even have feelings, so when I see them fall in love, and then that's taken from them it crushed my heart. and I must add that the acting was amazing in this film. I strongly recommend this movie to people that can find the true meaning in films.
  Because I enjoy this film so much I give it 9 completions out of 10.

Now the movie for this past week is Seabisciut, and no before this I have never seen it before. I know what your thinking I'm CRAZY!

This movie took me a little while to get into, but eventually I did. The reason I chose this one is after I watched Secretariat and the documentary on Barbaro, I really likes these Horse stories. So my dad recommend this movie to me, which I LOVED! But the nice thing is, is that you don't have so be a big horse lover to understand the movie.
 This movie has about three different stories and they all come together and make a great racing team, that's the easiest way I can explain it. but no matter what this was a GREAT movie! I recommend this film to people that have extra time and want a movie that will make them want to jump of of their chair!
I give this movie 7.5 horseshoes out of 10!